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We manufacture and sell biochar (EBC/HACCP).

How does the Carbon Sink Circle function?

Our sun is the engine that provides us with clean and endless energy. The trees in the forest use the energy of the sun to convert CO2 from the air into wood. Therefore, the wood consists mainly of carbon. When the trees in the Finnish forest are old enough, they are felled. It is important that we only use certified wood, as we take care of nature in a sustainable manner. The wood is shredded into wood chips and we use the chips to produce biochar using our unique pyrolysis technology. Our certified biochar can be fed to animals or used as fertilizer in the fields. The pyrolysis process generates heat that can be fed into heating processes in factories or district heating in cities. The exhaust gases contain many valuable condensates that can be used as pesticides and as bioplastic raw materials.


The biochar consists of ca 90% pure carbon. Since the biochar is not digested, it is excreted with the manure. Therefore, the manure contains nutrients and biochar that are plowed in the fields. The ploughed carbon, as the carbon sink, in the field is stored for hundreds and hundreds of years. The grass and crops grow on the fertilized fields and convert CO2 into food for animals and humans.

GoBioFarm's Carbon Sink Circle

How Does Our Pyrolysis Process Works?

Wood chips are fed into a closed chamber. The temperature in the airless chamber rises to over 700 ° C as soon as the chips start to char. The wood is converted into biochar, which is almost 100% carbon. The porosity of the biochar is temperature-dependent during the process. The higher the temperature, the more porous biochar is formed. The exhaust gases from the process are cooled and valuable compounds are formed which are later used for various applications.

What is animal feed?

Our pyrolysis process was developed to produce very high quality biochar that can be used as animal feed. The biochar is certified according to the strict EBC and HACCP regulations. Our biochar is tested regularly and all harmful substances lie below the strict threshold values after the European Biochar Cerificate (EBC) and the Directive 2002/32/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 7 May 2002 on undesirable substances in animal feed.


Because people eat animal products, the animals on the farms only have to be fed with high-quality, poison-free feed. Our food must not contain any harmful substances. We have evidence that dairy cows eating only 25g biochar per day produce 1,4 kg extra milk per cow/day. In chicken trials we were able to improve feed conversion rate by 3 % and thus improve the  farmers profit.

Image by Hunter So

Plowing Biochar In Fields, Terra Preta

In Brazil, scientists discovered that previous generations applied biochar into the relatively barren soil. The soil productivity increased manyfold and the so called Terra Preta soil is still fertile today after hundreds of years without applying modern fertilizer. 

The use of biochar application in fields for improved yields is examined and verified  in countless studies all over the world. 

The BC applied in animal feed will end up in the manure and  improve its fertilizer value enormously. The BC will remain in the ground for hundreds of years and improve soil quality and water retention capacity on the long run. At the same time it acts as carbon sink.

Alternative Pesticide

Numerous chemical compounds are condensed from the exhaust gases during the pyrolysis process. One of the compounds is wood vinegar, which can be applied in organic agriculture as pesticide in higher concentration and improve plant growth in lower concentration. The pesticides are liquids that kill weeds when sprayed on them. By the way, in a study from Germany it was shown that Glyphosat residues in cow urine was significantly reduced by applying BC in the animals diet. 


Additional by-product from the condensate are compounds, which can be utilized as bioplastics. Plastic is mostly manufactured of fossil oil. By replacing the fossil oils by those by-products, the CO2 emissions will be reduced in the near future.   

Carbon sink

A carbon sink is anything that absorbs more carbon from the atmosphere than it releases – for example, plants, the ocean and soil. In contrast, a carbon source is anything that releases more carbon into the atmosphere than it absorbs – for example, the burning of fossil fuels or volcanic eruptions.

CO2 neutral

Climate neutrality means a balance between the emission of carbon and the absorption of carbon from the atmosphere. In other words, the tree converts CO2 into carbon. Once the tree is burned, the carbon is oxidized to CO2. The same amount of CO2 is formed as was originally absorbed.

Image by Sebastian Unrau
Image by Michael Benz

Contact Us

GoBioFarm Oy

Tervakankaankatu 18, FIN-74120, Iisalmi  |  +358-50-4145152 

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